Sunday, February 26, 2012


¡¡Muy buenas chic@s!!

Si tuviésemos que elegir dos colores para esta primavera sin duda serían el verde menta y el melocotón, y es que desde que arrasaran en la semana de la moda de New York no hemos parado verlos por todas las tiendas y en todo tipo de prendas.

En esta ocasión me decanté por un vestido de la firma Morena Mía que si bien su parte superior lleva con elegancia la tonalidad pastel del menta, su parte inferior contrasta con la vitalidad y originalidad que transmiten colores como el naranja y fucsia... misma combinación de colores que sigue el abrigo!

Medias muy tupidas negras, botines en el mismo color y cluctch en bronce ponen el broche a este primaveral look.


Y vosotras . . .apostáis por el menta para esta temporada?! 
Espero vuestros comentarios.

¡¡Un besazo enorme!!

Vestido+Agrigo+Complementos: Morena Mía
Botines: H&M
Medias: Calzedonia
Clutch: Purificación García

Photography by Jesús Liñán Cembrano

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Informal Wedding Dress

Plus Size Informal Wedding Dresses
By Suzanne R. Prochaska

Informal Wedding DressNot everyone wants a formal wedding. So if you have the full figured bride, who is one of the first issues of a more formal meeting with your "to do" list for shopping, plus size informal wedding dress, just what is done is that I do not know the right clothes can be much same place and on your wedding. For in fact, a few of the bride dresses are not the end: If you plan to skydive at the same time taking advantage of your covenant, for example, clothing is the best option. On the other hand, is an excellent beach, or Haik wedding fit for a casual dress.

Why is the occasional wedding.

The best answer to the question, why not. Large, formal weddings are expensive and time to plan and implement effective (many of them are working for a year or more). A quiet wedding on your special day stress levels a few notches. Moreover, casual weddings are a great option for a "second" as a spontaneous decision to get married, and smaller gatherings.

Formal Wedding Dress number of benefits:

If you think your plus size wedding dress, you will be happy to know that these clothes should be the one to deal. Most wedding dresses for full figured women are made so that they can be worn with other similar events without screaming "WEDDING". There are actually many options to choose, including non-traditional colors and shorter lengths.

Informal Wedding DressMoreover, informal wedding dresses are "ready to wear," which means you will have to wait 10 weeks to get your job to keep a wedding shop.

Where to shop?

How the budget will be very happy, because he is a full size casual wedding dress stores,
wedding shops will save your favorite local department store is a place to go, but do not forget about consignment shops or antique stores. A few decades ago, the women were all the size of the two. The pieces are romantic, nostalgic appeal, and offers a distinctive look to your wedding day. There is also fantastic for online access.

You can shop online, but you must realize that it increases the chance that you have to exchange the dress, or changed to adapt to it, because you can not do it in person. However, note that it is possible to neutralize this type of inconvenience is the price tag: Take your measurements before ordering a dress online. It will be a link to potential accidents.


Informal Wedding DressWhen you have a dress that accents all the right way in Curves, and practical for your wedding day, the next step is to complete your ensemble. Many bride casual wear veils, but the flowers are another matter. A Daisy a child out of breath with or without the attractive "from above" is also considered a simple, yet classic jewelry, whether it be a bracelet, necklace or rings other than your engagement ring.


A plus size informal wedding dress should not be hard to find for the price. What is important is that you want the way you look and feel when wearing this dress (it was a long day, even on a casual event). Give you a little time to undo to get the style and keeping your wedding dress you can wear again if you so choose.


Muy buenas a chic@s!

Antes de todo quería disculparme por este forzoso parón que he tenido que hacer en el blog . . . y es que, quién me manda a mí independizarme . . .con lo bien que se vivía con mamá!! jajajaj!!

Pero lo importante es que vuelvo con las pilas cargadas y muchas cositas nuevas que mostraros así que no me enrollo mas  . . .

Para este post me he decantado por un vestido y un abrigo de lo mas original. Turquesas&Rojos junto con la asimetría en  sus formas hacen que este peculiar conjunto firmado por Morena Mía ocupen un lugar muy especial en mi armario . . .

Y para todas las que como yo optamos por poner un toque de color a este invierno gris os dejo aquí  el enlace de su tienda online . . . además tienen unas rebajas que no podemos dejar escapar!!

Seguro que los mas observadores os habréis percatado de la mejora de la calidad de las fotos . . . y es que para esta sesión un gran fotógrafo se prestó a colaborar conmigo. . . y yo, no puedo estar mas contenta con el resultado!! Gracias Jesús!!

¡¡¡ Un besazo enorme y feliz comienzo de semana !!!

Vestido, Abrigo y pendientes: Morena Mía 
Botines y Chutch: H&M
Medias: Calzedonia

Fotografía:  Jesús Liñán  Cembrano

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Gold Prom Dresses

PROM dress with a gold goddess
By Angela burns

Gold Prom DressesWe all know that gold is the color of nose, majesty, and the amount of waste: There is no better color to show your inner goddess, because a strong bright color. Your PROM, even your bright side to this wonderful color. You can not just its leaders, but you can get a rushing your new date. This is a great way to accent a particular dress, or a way to get a pair of gold metallic accessories heels. You do not have the necessary calculations to wear a T gold, shiny gold dress himself, but it does not hurt if you try to make a full statement to make.

Supplies of gold from the classical form of striking brilliance to any outfit (assuming colors ART).
Last Runway fashion point of makeup is shades of gold. Using a shade of eyeshadow shades of glittering gold, the season's hottest trend, but the only way to stop your lids are not the producers of the very fabric of th
eir products does not interfere with a brilliant gold in your golden shadow shades. These are a shadow color gives you the whole Gold Prom Dressesoutbreak. Use your gold eyeshadow accent not only the lids of your brow bone, on the slope of your nose, your cheekbones using a large powder brush, you can spread your collar bone as well as brilliant as it does not glorify the goddess look even more carefully.

If you go with a sleeveless or strapless PROM, the dress, then this is all about - the gold watch is perfect for you.
It gives you a bright flam
e, even in a dimly lit room that can not be afraid. But do not stop there. Gold accent rings and necklaces and even hair accessories such as pens and small golden flower accent and gold color metal core band and a new life in the right shades of clothes. Gold Nail Polish with a hand full of gold bracelet will allow you to win gold in the complaint. Even a simple dusting of Gold Glitter can add extra flair to your Polish. You can get a head-to-use accessories or simply signal the appearance of the Golden Goddess by introducing a bright dress, a simple gold accents. In any case, you can get without a golden goddess look to have done.

Gold Prom Dresses

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Gold Bridesmaid Dresses

Bridesmaid dresses in three colors and gloss
By Adrian James Leighton

Gold Bridesmaid DressesBridesmaid dresses the bride will be a time when the work is to find their dresses, as it may be too much for wife to work, what to wear, they have a lot to do with wedding day perfect bridesmaid dresses are very popular right now, because They are bright, stylish and tasty. Here we see three bright colors for bridesmaid dresses.

First, what is the "glamor", bridesmaid d
ress. Gloss appearance with respect to a matter of fact, and if a little shiny and catches the light, we call them bright. Bright material can be satin, chiffon and taffeta and satin and chiffon and has a softer, silkier feel, shiny taffeta is coarser, more healthy tissue.

Gold bridesmaid Dresses

Gold colors for bridesmaid dresses with a stream and odor. When the metallic luster is added to the fabric of the dresses always look stylish. A-line dresses and skirts to the knees in the classic bridesmaid dress, because it is modern and elegant, and never over-exaggerated. Gold is very neutral and will not overshadow the bride's dress.

Here are a few nice combinations of colors you can choose your wedding, including gold,

Gold Bridesmaid DressesRose Gold, and this combination is very beautiful, soft pink roses and if you have metallic luster of the gold is actually a very good job. Rose-gold satin trendy, so go with a satin dress. A-line bridesmaid dresses, accessorized to match the color of gold high-heeled shoe will offer a great flavor, and people know that a lot of work done by the bride dresses to choose.

Chocolate & Gold: Before you start wondering if it's a good game, then follow the regular chocolate bars and hide them: Gold and chocolate go so well together, if you have undoubtedly seen and eaten. The best thing is that this combination is not only a sense of dignity, but not to attract the attention of the white dresses of the bride.

Silver bridesmaid Dresses

Silver dresses are very clean, very metallic luster. This is one of the most elegant colors and is easy to be sober and not eye catching, although it was lovely.

Silver & White: V-neck, sleeveless dresses in these colors are classic and respected: A Curved belt and accessories, you can explain to your waist and help the bride look beautiful. In addition, silver, white color combination of the sacred atmosphere of the wedding group.

Silver and blue, and a long chiffon dress with wrinkles around the chest of the wearer of this color is very bright Greek style. It is a very honest and will be a combination of stylish looks for your wedding adds.

Gold Bridesmaid DressesBlue bridesmaid Dresses

Dark blue is fresh and clean as a summer sky, and is ideal for outdoor or summer weddings, and darker blues are more formal and elegant feel. Bright satin with a light blue is so intelligent and beautiful of course, not the blue sea, so if you are on the beach , there is no other choice.

Ocean Blue is a blue satin dress great for those who are of color. The noble nature of the substance of this color in response to the luxury-born wife and their splendor, they never knew they had. Team it with some heels and you are very charming look to your hands.

Turquoise blue is the color of the seminar, and as a serious and formal evening wedding color is very natural, simple dresses of this Color in the natural beauty of the bride. When he and the bride's dress is gathered, it still looks elegant, supporting, leading Wedding Dresses.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Duct Tape Prom Dress

Duct tape video
By Jimmy Sturo

Duct Tape Prom DressTape is waterproof, low-pressure polyethylene, a strong rubber adhesive cloth and chaos. Duct tapes are used for the first time during World War II. They are used to determine whether a seal different items used by allied forces, such as artillery boxes, ammunition boxes and containers.

In addition, widely used in households and industry are also used ribbon dresses or designer clothes.
The fashion industry is a growing use of duct tapes are designer clothes and accessories.

The only problem, it coats the film is that a lot of time and patience: The important part is
the middle of two pieces of duct tapes. Two pieces on both sides of this piece only, using the sticky ends of records. This process continues until the desired adjustment to Duct Tape Prom Dressthe ribbon fabric. After that, it is a soft foam Wash in water. This is a piece of cloth is dried and used to outline the specific desired. Individual pieces are, you will have to bear the design together using duct tapes.

The producers of the film in competition at the college film PROM NIGHT Clothing: Wedding dresses and evening dresses and Jackets are made of some cloth duct tapes.
Wardrobes of duct ties are strong and waterproof. The brilliant appearance attracts many customers. The dresses and designer shops and online stores can be purchased.

he request by the ribbon dresses, as well as people that are very trendy and sporty. It is produced from non-financial, as the film market is still small. Duct tapes are available in different colors and textures and can be combined to design dresses that a number of patterns and colors.Duct Tape Prom Dress

Sunday, January 22, 2012


Muy buenas mis niñ@s!

Ante todo quería pedir disculpas por este paréntesis que me he tomado, pero me ha sido imposible actualizar antes ya que he estado liadísima haciendo mudanza . . . por fin me he independizado!!
Así que hasta que no me ponga al día en mi nueva residencia no podré actualizar con normalidad en el blog . . . espero que la situación no dure mucho!!

Como os prometí en mi último post . . . os dejo con un DIY muy facilito para que comencéis la semana. Se trata de un TOP JOYA.


1. Un jersey o camiseta del color que mas os guste.

2. Lazo de razo y piedrecitas para decorar, las mías provienen de un collar que se me rompió  . . . así que nunca tiréis nada!! ;P

3. Hilo, aguija y una tiza (o algo para marcar)


1. Con ayuda de la tiza dibujamos la silueta donde por donde queremos que vayan las piedras.

2. Colocamos las piedras de la forma que mas nos guste  . . . y todo lo demás es coser y cantar!!

3. Hacemos una lazada y la colocamos junto al collar que acabamos de coser y en último lugar, con el mismo lazo bordeamos los puños de nuestro jersey.

Y este fue mi resultado . . . 

Espero que os haya gustado y que lo llevéis a la practica, es mucho el juego que se le puede dar a este DIY : jersey negro + perlas blancas + lazada roja . . .  imaginación al poder!

¡¡Un besazo enorme y feliz semana!!

Top: DIY
Pantalones: Stradivarius
Zapatos: Zara
Bolso: Vintage

Discount Prom Dresses

Find your PROM dresses online and save Big
By Caitlina Fuller

Discount Prom DressesLooking for discount PROM dress you can afford, but can not find it. Well, there is no reason to despair, because it is near the local shopping Mall and hundreds of dollars to pay for clothes to wear to the PROM, you can find the perfect dress, if you have some time, and see them on line.

In today's difficult economy, young Ladies are forced to work within a budget, when it's time to PROM dress, new shoes and a nice wrap up for sale. The prices o
f fancy boutiques, local shops and malls are only charged too high to allow for the majority of girls your age. Maybe you are interested to buy knock-off dress, that looks just like Paris Hilton and other Hollywood celebs wear on the red carpet. You can realize that you dream of going online and looking for a cheap PROM dress. You will be given a long list of sites that have all the newest and hottest dresses worn today, and prices are much lower than what you want to pay.

Discount Prom Dresseshis means that not only can know the exact dress you can not afford your own eyes, but you can also add these new shoes, socks, scarf, purse, and any necessary accessories such as earrings or necklace with your dress. that are the same, there are dozens and dozens of online retailers that specialize in nothing but a formal dress. This means that prices are kept low, because the retailers directly compete with each other for your business.

There are literally thousands of excellent and absolutely stunning PROM dress choice. You can easily find the hottest PROM dress less than $ 100, which is an outstanding deal considering you would pay two or three times the same clothes as you do on-site shop. If you look at $ 100 is too high, then no problem, because most of these online retailers offer discounts and sale dresses dresses on a regular basis.

Make sure you have your time when looking for a formal dress for sale. Check out various websites, read the terms of shipments, and then your choice based on your taste and budget. There is little doubt that your online shopping experience is a big smile on your face in just a few days time to give your new PROM dress delivered direct to your home to ensure that you have a lot of heads when you walk through the doors on your way to the PROM.
Discount Prom Dresses

Discount Dresses

Click to find cheap dresses for women
According to Pan Park

Discount DressesIf you are looking for discount dresses for women, then you will be happy to know that there are a number of dresses available in the market to discount, so you can be it, that suits you and your partner choose is, in general, it is The clothes are available in a variety of discount in terms of design, colors and sizes, but the best part is that you all kinds of colors, designs and colors can be found, while shopping Online. One of the reasons is that while this Shopping Online You have several options to choose: do you have to look at different websites and online stores, or the designers and make sure that they are offering discounts up to 50 percent.

There are a few items or stores that sell 70 percent discount, and at the end, of course, your choice: E to buy a dress, remember to find and compare several sites and shops, including price, design, and quality of the dress, then, in After all, o
ne way, where you choose the best deal. If you choose clothes for the evening pDiscount Dressesarty, you can choose the dress, rather than a simple T-shirts or jeans. Another best way you can apply online and find discount women's dresses are looking for wholesalers who mainly specializes in clothing and women's clothing for wholesale companies offer huge discounts on products are involved, so this place is worth finding a dress.

Before finalizing your purchase, make sure you buy the correct size, as it often is found,
clothing or other property that is not exchange or refund the cost of sales is very difficult to find great companies that sell materials, but if you have any mass. which is surely the best price: There is no doubt that the Internet is a good place to shop if you are looking for formal or casual clothes, but at the same time, it is very wise things, and buy, because once your order is finalized, it becomes very difficult to solve. One of the best advice when shopping Online to choose the correct size and design and make sure that what you want to buy, you will feel comfortable and attractive.Discount Dresses